7 Storage Solutions for a Minimalist Home

The minimalist lifestyle is one that appeals to so many of us. For some, this lifestyle extends far beyond clutter-free kitchens and whitewashed walls. Minimalism can be a way of life, whether it be through limited wardrobe choices, frugal living or restricted technology.
Clarity of mind, less stress and a sense of freedom are all thought to be connected with this simpler lifestyle. However, in our modern and often hectic lives, it’s not always possible to reconnect through minimalism. Through our homes we can take advantage of the benefits of minimalism with clever and simple fixes. Good storage can hide away the clutter of our modern lives and leave us feeling those minimalist benefits.
Here’s our 7 storage solutions for a minimalist home:
The Cupboard Door
Image from Higham
Hiding items away in a cupboard isn’t a ground-breaking storage solution but their doors are an often overlooked storage option. Try adding shelves or hooks to the inside of your cupboard doors for items like baking trays, kitchen roll or ironing boards.
Under the Stairs
The cupboard under the stairs needn’t be the door best left closed if there’s the right storage system inside. Revamp yours with cleverly placed pegs, shelves and neutral baskets for the perfect hidden storage area.
The Downstairs Loo
Image from Bang on Style Blog
The smaller downstairs bathroom doesn’t just have to be a ‘one use only’ space. By installing shelves for baskets or boxes you can create more storage areas without creating more clutter.
The Shed
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash
The humble garden shed is often the go-to place for rusty garden furniture, the lawnmower and old paint. However, the shed can also be home to a lot of our less-used belongings. Rethink what children’s toys, craft goods or cleaning products actually need to be in your home. The result? More space to relax in.
The Children’s Room
Of course, one of the most challenging storage issues we face is children’s toys. However, this is a challenge that we can solve in the most playful way! Create low level seating which doubles up as storage and fill with baskets or boxes. Children’s books can also act as colourful wall art when placed creatively on narrow shelving.