How to Look After your Wood Floor with Guests

Our homes are our sanctuary’s. Secret spots that we carefully share with only those we truly care for. We nurture them, grow in them and use them as a way to represent ourselves.
Hosting guests can often mean a flurry of housework, preparing our homes to ensure their look their best. Furniture may be dusted, cutlery polished and cushions plumped. And as we ready our homes, we may also stop to think about how we can look after them while our guests are visiting, and after they’ve left.
A wood floor is often a well-loved part of a home and something your guests will be impressed with. Like a cherished piece of art or furniture, you’ll want to protect it from any unnecessary wear and tear while hosting.
Here are our tips on how to look after your wood floor with guests.
Don’t hide it away
The timelessness of a wood floor is something that should be enjoyed by you and your guests. Don’t think wood flooring is an obstacle when inviting people to visit. Although the prospect of hosting may seem concerning if you have lovingly cared for wood flooring, it shouldn’t put you off. Wood floors are as easy to care for as any other floor covering if you take the right steps.
No shoes rule
The ‘no shoes in the house’ rule is one that many of us apply to our homes. It takes away the potential risk of any dirt being carried in or any accidental heel marks. Some guests may take their shoes off at your door as an instant reaction but don’t feel shy to ask for shoes to be removed if this isn’t their first move. Though remember, if shoes remain on in your home any accidental marks can be seen as joyful reminders of memories made with people you care about.
Clean as you go
No host wants to spend their evening keeping a hawk-like eye out for any spillages or mess – and it certainly won’t help to make your guests feel welcome. But, the best way to protect your wooden floor is to clean up any spills as soon as you can. Promptly wipe up any spillages, drying with a towel once it’s cleaned. This doesn’t mean eyeballing your guests’ glasses all evening but you may choose to have a damp cloth on hand for any accidents.
Protect furniture legs
It’s always a good idea to protect your flooring from furniture legs, whether you have guests visiting or not. Fastening felt pads onto the bases of tables and chairs that may be accidentally moved while guests are visiting is a great way to protect your wood flooring from any scratches. Castor cups can also be added under heavier furniture to avoid dents in the longer term.
Plan ahead for high-traffic areas
Before your guests arrive think about what their journey will be throughout your home. If it’s likely that your guests may spend a large amount of time stood or walking in a specific area then it could be worth moving a rug into that space. This will not only physically protect your flooring from any shoes that are left on, but could also help to catch spills and prevent stains.
Follow it up with some extra care
Prior to our guests arrival we spend hours making sure our homes are looking extra special. But it’s also worthwhile giving your flooring some extra attention afterwards. As the old saying goes ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ so sweep and mop your floor with our specially formulated floor cleaner once you’ve said goodbye. This will ensure that any rogue grit and dirt is removed and do away with any sticky spots for a fresh floor.
View our range of cleaning and maintenance products to help look after your floor.