Bo Decor Styles our Reclaimed Woods

The dreamy Instagram page of Catherine Ashton (@bo_decor) is packed full of dark and dramatic interiors with exciting pops of colour and quirky accessories. We think her eclectic pad is the perfect backdrop for our reclaimed-style woods so asked her to try out the floors in her space. Take a look and read Catherine’s tips for creating cosy, textured rooms…
I’ve always been interested in interior design but it all changed for me when a few years ago I saw pictures of dark painted walls and was in awe of how dramatic yet cosy it looked. From that point, over the last few years I’ve painted all the walls in my home dark and haven’t looked back.
Another thing I couldn’t wait to change was the cream carpet to wood floors. I love rugs and they look so much lovelier on a solid floor. I still have natural limestone tiles in my kitchen, hallway and bathroom that I want to change too as the colours don’t fit with my décor. So I was really excited when Woodpecker asked if I’d like to try out some of their reclaimed-style, rustic floors in my home.
I tried Berkeley Cellar Oak in my kitchen and bedroom. I love the feel and colour of this floor; it’s got lots of texture with natural streaks, dents, scuffs and knots which give it a lot of character. The planks are oiled – a finish that sits within the surface of the wood for a really natural feel.
I absolutely love nature and would live in the middle of a forest if I could, so this floor really does give that sense of bringing nature indoors for me. Most of us will keep the same floor down for years, so I think it’s worth making that initial investment to get something that will last and even improve with age as it gains more character.
As soon as I tried Cellar Oak in the kitchen I immediately knew that I wanted a black floor for this space rather than the limestone tiles. And the rustic look of the floor added that extra something that contrasted nicely with my sleek, dark cupboards and brought out the colour of my copper Tolix chairs.
I love to add different textures and colours, just like in my bedroom where I have a white pom pom throw, the shiny metal bench legs and lots of plants. It’s just that right amount of friction that makes you never want to leave home. And the black rustic floor added to the mix of contrasting surfaces in this space for a really cosy feel.
In my living room, I tried the brown Rugged Oak which again has lots of reclaimed-inspired dents, scuffs and knots that tell the story of an old floor that’s worn over time. It also has a lovely warm colour which goes well with my black sofa and dark walls. And although it’s not a colour I would have chosen, seeing it in situ I really like it.
I love the overall look with my art and the mix of textures in the shiny marble coffee table and soft cushions. It’s pairing the rough with the smooth that makes interiors exciting.
I have lots of rugs and one of the easiest ways to change a space instantly is to move rugs around. These dark rustic floors are perfect for layering rugs from old Persian to modern ones which I have dotted all over my flat.
I think engineered wood flooring is a great option for the home as it’s tough, long-lasting and really practical. It’s much easier to clean and more hygienic than carpet with dust collecting on the surface and in the corners so it can be quickly swept up or vacuumed. Compared to tiles and stones, it’s much warmer underfoot and more inviting.
Discover these beautifully rustic floors and more in our Berkeley collection.