Discover useful articles, design ideas and wood flooring questions in our blog.
wood flooring with pets and children

Looking after wood flooring with pets and children

Children and animals truly do make a home. But don’t be put off your dream wood floor just because you’re worried it’ll be spoiled by them. With a little love and care, your floor will survive the hard (and messy) times…

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dog on wood floor

Wood Floor Care Tips

Reduce the wear and tear with a little love and care. Here are some useful tips to maintain the beauty of your wood floor…

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Carpet or Wood Flooring?

Carpet or wood flooring? The two options bring with them their own styles, warmths, textures and colours, and with that their own pros and cons.

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york grey washed oak flooring

Will Wood Flooring Add Value to Your Home?

It’s the golden question. We’ve asked the experts if wood flooring really will add value to your home..

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The Benefits of Sourcing Wood Responsibly

We’re committed to taking care of our beautiful natural environments and supporting the livelihoods of forest communities.

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How to Clean Wood Flooring

Like any natural substance, wood flooring is susceptible to wear and tear. To ensure your floor always looks its best and lasts longer, here are some steps you can take to protect it.

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