Discover useful articles, design ideas and wood flooring questions in our blog.

Master-craftsmen: The Naturally Inspired Journey

With over 30 years of experience, we understand wood. Follow the journey of our designs from forest to floor…

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wood flooring feet on grass

Types of Wood Flooring: Video Guide

Wood flooring is a beautifully natural choice. But do you know which type is right for you?

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chevron oak flooring goodrich haze

The New Woodpecker Flooring Catalogue

The 2017 Woodpecker catalogue is here! Discover our new naturally inspired designs…

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The Benefits of Sourcing Wood Responsibly

We’re committed to taking care of our beautiful natural environments and supporting the livelihoods of forest communities.

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goodrich natural wood flooring won by the couple

Dream Floor Revamp: Meet Mrs Huggins

Mrs Huggins was just another entrant in a competition, until she won £2,000 towards a Woodpecker floor! Read all about her dream floor revamp that transformed her office/dining space.

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